"She is their blanket to warm them on a cold winter night. She is the food that satisfies their hungry spirit. She is their shelter from the storm, their comfort in times of pain, their nursemaid to heal all hurts. She is the wind that lifts them up when they have fallen. She is encouragement that guides them forward. She is the love that brought them here. She is the heart daily praying them through. She is their Mother." Linda LaTourelle
Happy Mother's Day to all of my FB friends..... May your day be filled with little surprises and blessings. I sometimes think about these holidays that someone made up so we can have an excuse to buy a gift and a card...not a bad idea but I think that moms deserve a little more notice than just once a year! Funny how life begins to take on different meaning as we get older. The one thing I certainly do appreciate in my mother is she has always been dedicated to being the best mom and grandma she could be! I am blessed to have her in my life and yes, she spoils my children immensley ....I really do love it! And just between you and me I will do the same with my grandchildren one day! shhh! She came and had coffee with me this morning, washed my dishes, and made up Leslie's bed! What a woman! CELEBRATE the women in your life today....monday morning and each and every day that your are given here on this earth!

My Mother
These three women, my aunt and both of my grandmothers influenced me greatly in my younger years, for which I am grateful for their love and acceptance of me!

My Aunt Pansy

My Mother and My Dad and both sets of my grandparents...the clan in which I came from!
This was fun! A great honor to your mom, your aunt and grandmothers!