Good Morning to all of my peeps in blogland!
I had such good intentions of posting this blog prior to NSD, National Scrapbook Day, for those of you that might not be familiar with that set of letters! As usual my to do list was way too long and the days were rolling by me like the evening tide. I was putting the finishing touches on a couple of my senior proof books and had made a huge pile of scraps. My son-n-love and daughter had shown up and was sitting at the kitchen table visiting as I was beginning to clean up my mess. Well if you have ever sat at our kitchen table you know what can happen. NARNIA time, yes they began to talk and I started "playing" with the scraps of paper as I listened to the current events of their daily lives. The following pics will tell you the rest of the story......
Reece and Leslie have a beautiful pink rose bush growing in the front of their home! Nothing blesses me more than to have a few fresh picked flowers in my kitchen, after all that seems to be the room I spend the most time in! As I was making my frenzy of cards I kept noticing the petals drop...... ahhhh, but the fragrance was beautiful ..... and of course the camera had to come out in the middle of my chaos! |
When down-and-outers get a break, cheer! And when the arrogant rich are brought down to size, cheer! Prosperity is as short-lived as a wildflower, so don’t ever count on it. You know that as soon as the sun rises, pouring down its scorching heat, the flower withers. Its petals wilt and, before you know it, that beautiful face is a barren stem. Well, that’s a picture of the “prosperous life.” At the very moment everyone is looking on in admiration, it fades away to nothing. James 1:9-11 Message
Card #1 - Insipiration in the making.... |
I had been trimming 4.5 x 6.5 pieces of paper down to 4 x 6 for my albums and had created a nice big pile of strips that for all practical purposes should have been tossed into the trash can! I tend to doodle or move my hands in some small activity, or drink a cup of coffee, but this moment in time found me "weaving" strips of trash! Reece teased me and said and so now you are going to throw that in the trash?! My creative juices started flowing and I decided to see what I could create.......
Card #2 - outside |
Card #2 - Inside - I enjoy adding a bit of pizzaz to the inside as well! |
Card #3 - Using more scraps from my scrap box..... |
Inside of Card #3 |
Card #4 - Keeping it really simple |
Card #5 - Funny thing about trash.... see the little piece of paper with the scripture? Our puppy chewed up the corners of one of my daily devotional books. I was not a happy cropper and picked it up off the floor along with the other books she chewed on and was about to toss them in the trash. New thought, tear the pages out and ink them for embellishments on cards! There you see one! My contribution to recycling! |
Card #6 - Thank You! |
Card #7 - Blank on the inside so it can be for any occasion! |
Card #8 - My inspiration was picking up with steam because I had decided to create an entire set of cards to give to my daughter, the cosmo girl in my life. She had agreed to do my hair because I couldn't go to NSD with my roots showing! |
Card #9 - you have to have a few birthday cards.... |
Card #10 - Another friendship card and don't you just love the antique sparkle button? |
Card #11 - I finally used my new Stampin-Up banner punch! |
Inside of Card #11 - This card can be used for a wedding, anniversary or any kind of love message you need to send! |
AND finally Card #12 - yep got three cards out of the trash I weaved together! |
Inside of Card #12 |
Finished product..... 12 cards all sealed away in a tin can that my friend purchased for me at Goodwill for .50 cents! We take pieces of scrapbook paper and cut a piece to line the bottom of the can and bam you have a nice gift! I surprised my Leslie with this token of love the morning she took care of my root issues! She was most surprised because she thought I just brought them to show her! |
LOVE is a fun lane to travel in the highway of LIFE ... and truly it is really brief, so don't forget to really live today....... AND learn a little more about LAUGHING.... I promise you it will do your heart good! |
Scrapping up a little fun in the kitchen really got me in the mood for the four day NSD celebration/convention that was approaching quickly on my calendar. That my dear shall be another blog, however I think I will leave you with a sneak peek .......
and I promise you the funny flamingos really showed up! |
and guess who "rocked" the house.....!??!
Today is WOW Wednesday over at Cat's..... If you've made it this far, leave me a little luv "comment" and you have a chance to win a prize ~that would be some "blog candy". Cat's Creations randomly picks someone who has commented on blogs that have linked their handiwork to Cat's Creations Blog blog. Go to Cat's Creations for all the details! And while you are there check out more about National Scrapbook Day. I hear rumors that people are already signing up for next years retreat? Something about a jungle!??
Go and make some melodies with those you love today!
Till my coffee cup and mouse meet again,